Friday, July 31, 2015

Little Manhatten (2005)

(I couldn't find a poster I liked)

MIMDB score: 6.8
Current IMDB score: 7.6
Director: Mark Levin
Main Actors you care about: Josh Hutcherson, the red-head from Sex and City.

Why I liked it: The boy's inner thoughts are too exact to my own life not to review this movie.  I don't like admitting that I think like this boy but I do. An adult wrote it so it's not exactly like I think like a little boy.  Too many times in the movie I said to myself "Yep, that's what it feels like."

What stands out: It's in New York?  That's cool if you like New York.  It's not a great movie.  I doubt it should be as high as 7.6.  It's just a cute, interesting, and child-likeish view on love.  Then again I don't believe children think childish thoughts.  Children just don't have the experience or wisdom adults do.  They can be just as smart (and smarter) as adults in some cases.

What I Would Change (if anything): It is what it is.  Child acting isn't great so don't focus on that.  You just have to view this is a nice little romantic comedy since that's what it is (Little Manhattan).

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:
Gabe: Where's the whole wish you can come to the wedding? Where's that Rosemary? The Rosemary i loved? Not this alien with her crazy weekend. You're new sparing partner is he coming to the wedding?
Rosemary: What Tim?
Gabe: Oh is that what you call him? Are you calling him after you call me?
Rosemary: What are you talking about?
Gabe: I'm talking about you and Tim Staples sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G first comes love then comes marriage then comes Tim Staples in a baby carriage.
Rosemary: You sound crazy you know that?
Gabe: Why don't you have time this weekend?
Rosemary: I'm sorry Gabe i haven't even started packing.
Gabe: You know what? I hate you!
Rosemary: What?
Gabe: I hate you! Why do you even care? I hate you!
Rosemary: Well i hate you too!
Gabe: I hate you more!
Rosemary: How can you say something so mean? I hate you!

It pains me to realize more often than not I'm acting like a child in love whenever I'm in love.  It's really hard when your feelings are on the line.  It's so hard to start a romantic relationship.  So many things have to be in place I feel like.  Really it should be easy but the start never is.  It's always easy in my mind anyway.  It just never comes out or ends up that way.  There's too many things to think about and mess me up and too many unknowns in the other person.

Rosemary: But I thought you hate me.
Gabe: I don't. I lied.
Gabe: [thinking] I wasn't gonna be like my father. I wasn't gonna let all these things left unsaid smother me.
Gabe: Rosemary, I love you.
Rosemary: You what?
Gabe: I do. I'm sorry, but I love you more than anyone's ever loved. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Gabe: [thinking] How's that for letting it all hang out there? And hang, and hang, and hang.
Gabe: You think you might wanna love me, too?
Rosemary: I don't know what I think, Gabe, I'm only 11. I don't think I'm ready to be in love.
Gabe: I'm not ready and I'm doing it!
Rosemary: Maybe I was wrong, maybe girls don't mature faster.
Gabe: No they do, they do, you know they do. You even said so at the park. We at least mature at the same rate.
Rosemary: I don't know what mature is anymore, but I'm really happy you came. Do you want to dance, Gabe?
Gabe: Sure, what the hell.

"I do. I'm sorry. but I love you . . . ."  I hate having to apologize that you are in love with someone.  The person on the other end of it should be so freaking happy that they could inspire anyone to love them.  It doesn't happen often from my experience.  Cherish it when you can inspire it in others.   Even if you don't feel it back.  It's still a rare event in your life.

"I don't know what mature is anymore"  Yea thinking and having opinions on things seems so stupid.  Things change way to fast in life. Things are so grey it's insane.  What happens in one case won't happen in another.  Love is not like physics.  There's no laws in love, only theories.  Theories that don't even hold up for every person on Earth.  It's crazy.

"I've been in love for two and half weeks and it's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies."
Unfortunately that's how you sure fire way know you are or were in love.

Leslie: Maybe not everything is supposed to last forever. Certain things are like... like... skywriting. Like, like, like a really beautiful thing that lasts for a couple moments and then... You know?
Gabe: [cries] Mommy!
Leslie: I know, honey. Love sucks.
Gabe: Yeah.

Anything people say when you are in "love pain" doesn't really help I feel like.

Gabe: [practicing in the mirror] Hey Rosemary. Hey there, pretty lady. How's it goin, girl? Hey, Rosemary Telesco.
This scene is pretty funny and cute.

All of the following quotes I've thought before in every relationship I've been in (or close to have been in):
Gabe: What choice did I have but to return to my old, miserable life? Wait a minute. You were happy. Oh, please! I was miserable. I just didn't know how miserable I was.
Gabe: Look at me. I can bounce back. I don't need some girl in my life for me to happy.
Gabe: There are very few things more painful than watching the woman you love grapple with another man. Actually, I take that back. There are no things more painful.
Gabe: See, life is about so much more than Rosemary. I had my family, my health, my kicking career. I really had no room for a woman in my life.
Gabe: [thinking] My first date. The big spender. Häagen-Dazs all the way, baby. So, how come I have nothing to say to her. Why isn't she looking at me? Am I that hideous? Do I Smell?
Gabe: You um come here often?
Rosemary: Central Park?
Gabe: Um, yeah.
Gabe: [thinking] What kind of question is that? I hate myself.
Gabe: This was no time for small talk. It was time to lay things on the table. To reach through the phone line and dig deep into that woman's soul.
Gabe: I had no idea what she was thinking she was this total mystery to me. Did I want to kiss Rosemary Telesco? Yes I guess I did. I wanted to more than anything on Earth.
Gabe: Do you want some Gatorade?
Gabe: Who was I kidding anyway? Was I really going to kiss her? I mean come on she's eleven, I'm ten well ten and three quarters actually.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: Flipped, Bridge to Terabithia, and My Girl maybe?

"Side" note: I think it's safe to say girls develop faster than boys.  They hit puberty earlier which is proven and that's in general of course. Maturity is probably about even.  There are articles like this though that will say girls mature up to ten years faster than boys.  Maybe like the worst boy compared to the best girl.  I'm guessing if you do the same comparison the other way you probably will find a similar difference in age.  Either way it's probably not that big of a deal that one sex matures faster than another because "we are all fools in love."

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