Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Into the Wild (2007)

MIMDB score: 8.4
Current IMDB score: 8.2
Director: Sean Penn
Main Actors you care about:  Emile Hirsch, Jena Malone, Vince Vaughn, Hal Holbrook

Why I liked it:
This movie should make you think about your life and your place in society.  It's a movie I keep coming back to in my own thoughts.

When asked why I go camping I think of this movie.  This movie showcases the benefit of camping or hiking into the woods.  You can go to vacation to the beach and have a grand ole time.  There's still normal things you have to do on a regular beach vacation.  You still have to worry about x or y.  When your in the woods I feel like that goes away a bit.  Societal tribulations go away.  I think the movie captures this a lot in the music choices it makes.  Eddie Vedder's simple and calming songs bring you into that feeling that a beach vacation can not do.  It's wonderful.

To each his or her own though.

What stands out:
The main character.  He is very interesting and very interesting to think about.  He says most of the quotes worth thinking about.

What I Would Change (if anything):  Most people say it's stupid he dies in the end.  It kind of is.  Later this article came out that said he only died because of unknown consequence of eating potato root. If you eat the potato root while malnourished it causes the potato root to be a poison rather than giving nutritional value.  So he died because he ate a plant that his book told him would be ok to eat.  He also concluded that living alone in the woods isn't as good as if it was a shared experience.  I'm ok with that ending and think it's mostly good.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:  There's a lot of good quotes in this movie.  A bar scene between Chris and Wayne about society stands out the most.  "You know what I don't understand? I don't understand why people, why ever fucking person is so bad to each other so fucking often.  It doesn't make sense to me. Judgement, control, the whole spectrum."  Agreed good sir.  Everybody when in the moment gets pissed and treats people poorly.  You have to learn to realize that and not get too upset when it happens.  Getting upset at an upset person is no good.  It's hard not to sometimes because that's all the upset person is trying to get out of you.  It's awful.  There are so many reason we treat each other poorly and they don't make sense in a logical form.  They make you feel better in the moment and sometimes when life is really shitty you need that to not like kill yourself.  You need to treat others poorly sometimes to not go crazy.  It's not understandable of why that is but it's a part of life.  It's a sucky part of life.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: True Detective? Mostly because of the thinking.  127 Hours and Wild but it wasn't very good.

"Side" note: The article about the potato root.

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