Monday, August 3, 2015

Flipped (2010)

MIMDB score: 7.1
Current IMDB score: 7.7
Director: Rob Reiner
Main Actors you care about: John Mahoney (old dad from Fraiser).  I like Madeline Carroll. She's not someone you would know though.

Why I liked it: I think this is a good idea for a romantic comedy.  I don't know how much comedy is in this movie though.  The movie switches between the thoughts of both main characters.  So you'll get what one characters thinks then the other.  Again if you don't like romantic comedies then this will be just be a slightly interesting movie which is why I'm rating it lower than a 7.7.

What stands out: The girl.  She's beautiful.  Her personality is beautiful.  She's not bad looking or anything but that's not what stands out.  That's the best kind of girl.  She reminds me a little of Kitty from Anna Karenina a little.  This applies to more than just girls but if girls spent as much as time on there personalities as they did their looks, I would like a lot more girls.

The egg scene.  It's so sad when she catches him throwing them away.  It's so sad to see good people being let down by the world.  It might be one of the worst things to see.  I think this is another movie that should make you see what kind of person you should be.  It also shows you that the good people in the world can make people better just by being themselves.  It's a fantastic thought and should be enough reason to try and be a really good person. If not for yourself then for everyone else in the world.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:
I like now she thinks she secretively smells his hair. This is so interesting of a perspective.  Everyone thinks they are so secretive about liking people.  95% of the time though I feel like people know what's happening.    It's like a quote from the movie Elizabethtown: "Trust me, everyone is less mysterious than they think are".

Chet Duncan: It's about honesty, son. Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning... can save a whole lot of pain down the road.
Many instances in movies/TV have shown that honesty is actually the best policy in like 99% of cases. Be as honest as much as you can.  It makes life easier more often than not.

"After the eggs why should I care what he thinks about anything. . . but I did."  Love sucks in that way.  Caring about others who don't care about you is so not fun.  It makes you feel worthless but you can't help but care about them.  It's the sucky part of love.

Sum of parts stuff.  It's an interesting thought. Paraphrased:
"I started looking at people, trying to figure out if they were more or less than the some of their parts.  Chet was right.  A lot of them were less.  I couldn't seem to place Bryce though.  Maybe I just want him to be more than the sum of his parts. Was he really sorry or was he saying these things to make himself feel better?  As I looked into his eyes, for the first time, I was pretty sure Byrce was less."  It's upsetting when you've loved someone for so long with what you believe are good reasons just to find that you've been bamboozled all along.  You feel so drained after a realization like that.

I don't know if most people suck.  I go back and forth.  I think this movie separates good people from bad people.  Yea that's an ok level of thinking.  There was a class in school that talked about levels of thinking.  So yea there's the bottom one like the one that does not equal the sum of their parts.  Then there's one above that, that is the sum of their parts.  Then I venture to say there is a level above that level of thinking when you realize all people are neither good nor bad.  There are just people who act good AND bad.  Some act better than others and certain points in their lives.  The general rule though is is most people are good and bad.  Once you start thinking like that you judge people less.  It's hard to write people off when you think like that as well.  This movie only points out the first and second level.  That's good enough I guess to get people thinking.

It's hard to consistently think like that though.  When confronted with what seems like bad thing after bad thing it's hard not to considering most people terrible.  Whenever I get to that point in thinking I remind myself that I am most people.  If I want to think most people are terrible then I have to consider myself terrible.  That usually stops me from thinking most people are terrible.

Chet Duncan: You know, Bryce... once's character is set at an early age. I'd hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back.
Bryce Loski: Sir?

Going along with what I just said, I don't think you can ever swim so far that you can't be good again.  Again this is 99% of the people.  There are terrible, terrible, terrible people and those people usually do things that put them in jail or death.  Just because you do one bad thing to one person doesn't make you terrible.  We can't live in a society like that because everyone has treated at least one person poorly.  Some people need to treat someone poorly in order to realize how to treat the rest of people in the world.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: The Affair, Little Manhattan

"Side" note: I would have been the basket boy with peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  I would have gotten about 8 dollars.  That's 63.89 today though so you know, not bad?  Whenever the auctioneer says "peanut butter and banana sandwiches!" I have to smile.

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