Thursday, July 2, 2015

Amélie (2001)

MIMDB score: 7.8
Current IMDB score: 8.4
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Main Actors you care about: Audrey Tautou

Why I liked it:
This movie is weird.  I'm not going to dance around that.  It's also weirdly interesting.  It's also not too weird. It's weird because the movie is about an introvert.  Most movies about introverts as the main character will be weird.  Most of the time weird is interesting though.  The introverted side of me loves this movie.

It makes you love life.  The idea that someone like Amélie is out there making things silently better is beautiful.  I look up to Amélie so much.  Mostly because silently making people's lives better makes myself happy as well as others.

What stands out:
French camera style of moving fast and being weird.  Some reason I really like the glass man.  I feel like everyone should have a glass man in their lives.

What I Would Change (if anything):  Somehow do all the sound in English using the actor's real voices and not a dubbed version.  A lot of English speakers will be turned off to watching it because they have to read.  I would be nice if I could causally watch it.  I should probably learn French though if I want to do that.  I gave it less than what IMDB has it because I wouldn't think so many people would be up for a weird subtitled movie.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:  Whenever they do the likes and dislikes of a character.  They are sweet little things about the characters that add a niceness to the character.
"It's better to help people than garden gnomes" This is an interesting quote.  What it makes me believe is I ever wanted to give up on life and either kill myself or just stay at home and do nothing I will instead (because of this quote) join like the peace core or a non-profit and just help people the rest of my life.  It's better to help make another person's life better than just sit at home and do nothing.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: Love Me If You Dare

"Side" note: The writer was collecting things that made up Amélie's character since 1974.

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