Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Painted Veil (2006)

MIMDB score: 7.0
Current IMDB score: 7.5
Director: Frank Capra
Main Actors you care about: Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Liev Schreiber

Why I liked it:
I like the style a lot.  It's simple and contemplative and beautiful in a way.  I guess that's really the Asian style when I think about it.  I never really looked at it as an Asian film because I focus on the two English speaking  people's relationship more than anything else.  The style seems wholesome. The movie is centered around cheating but it still stays wholesome overall.

I wrote out a whole spiel about why cheating is bad and how to stop yourself.  I took it out because in the end anyone with the capacity to stop themselves wouldn't be cheating so that spiel is really just a waste of time.  Learn to control your actions and think in a broader sense than just the here and now.  That's all I can really say.  I hope everyone can get that out of this movie.

What stands out:
Edward Norton's character.  I like him a lot.  It's another character to look up to.  Maybe that's all I'm trying to do with this blog is point out the way to live life.  A combination of good characters like Edward Norton's is the perfection I look up to and strive to be. As stated before in another post, people see what they want in art though. That's kind of what makes art, art.

What I Would Change (if anything): Nothing really in the movie.  I wish I could change politics.  This movie makes me never want to deal with a mass amount of people.  The only way to deal with a mass amount of people is to consider them dumb and that you know what's best for them.  I've never liked that people in power treat the people they have power over like they are dumb.   I don't know if I could mentality be okay with doing it.  It would take a lot of out of me to tell people what to do knowing that my guess of what they should do is just my best guess.  Especially if it meant some people might die.  Granted in Edward Norton's case he very likely was going to save them and that would be easier but I'm talking more general.  What he dealt with in the movie makes me think politics are a lot harder than most people would think.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:
Walter Fane: I suppose I'm not used to speaking unless I have something to say.
Kitty Fane: If people only spoke when they had something to say, the human race would soon lose the power of speech.

Kitty Fane: As if a woman ever loved a man for his virtue.

There's a good amount of conversations between the two that are interesting thoughts about relationships.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: Anna Karenina, Take This Waltz, the book On Beauty

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