Sunday, February 1, 2015

Short Term 12 (2013)

MIMDB score: 8.0
Current IMDB score: 8.0

Why I liked it:
I really like movies that look at suicidal people.  Suicide is such an insane thing every time I think about it.  In real life it's way too real but in the movies I can dissect and really take in everything that's going on. Real life is too fast in that way.  Life moves to fast I think to fully process what's going on in the moment.  Life takes more thought than it allows.  Movies like this give you time to think about the situations that are occurring.  A lot of the time it's just classical music put to watching what people are doing just throughout the day.  It also plays a few chords when people are just thinking which gives you time to think about what they are thinking.  It's fantastic at times.  Some one once said if you make a movie you shouldn't have modern music because then the movie won't last and will show it's age in a few years.  This movie takes that into consideration it seems by not having anything besides a few notes.  I loved how they started and ended the movie.  Some people say how you start and end a story matters the most and if that's the case the start and ending could be why it's rated so highly by me and IMDB.

What stands out:
The two main characters.  I want to be that guy.  The Jim Halpert/Harper character (see the Office and Newsroom) has always been some one to look up to and this is the same type of character.  Mason (John Gallagher Jr.) didn't do any better than he normally does in stuff but his normal acting is fantastic.  He plays that role really well which I like to think is an indication of the actors actual personality (of course that's not always the case).  Grace (Brie Larson/the main girl) did fantastic.  In other movies she hasn't been as good/real as this movie.  She really shines in a few scenes.  To me it's her break-out role and I hope she does more things like Short Term 12 instead of her role in The Spectacular Now.

What I would change (if anything):
I wish Grace(main girl character) would have been nicer to Mason (boyfriend).  Mason is an all-star boyfriend/friend/person and she doesn't treat him near as well back.  I understand she is dealing with more things than him but she should not take it out on the person who treats her best in the world.

Favorite Line(s):
Mason: "Fucking Floyd."
It's just a funny line.

Marcus: "Look into my eyes so you know what's to like to live a life not knowing what a normal life's like."

Similar Movies/Tv Shows: The House M.D. Broken episode (Season 6, episode 1), Awakenings, It's Kind of a Funny Story.  All good movies and TV episodes.

Side note: Brie Larson is a pop singer.,  Yea it's kind of bad.

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