Monday, February 23, 2015

Disconnect (2012)

MIMDB score: 6.5
Current IMDB score: 7.6

Why I liked it:
The only real reason I'm reviewing this movie is because of the three staged climax scene of the movie.  The rest of it is just okay or even bad at times.  So let me describe the climax scene.  It was very much like Inception's three climax scene while the van was falling in the water.  Same level of intensity (except Inception is a way better movie).  There are three+ stories going on that all have to do with social media/internet causing problems.  Jason Batemen's story arc is he trying to find who leaked naked pictures of his son.  Nina who is trying to save this kid from being in naked internet webcams while writing story about it.  Lastly there's Cindy and Derek who are trying to find the person who stole there identity.  Jason Batemen during the climax finds the kid and is about to hit him with a hockey stick while Nina is getting roughed up by the kids pimp, while Cindy and Derek are trying to shoot the person that stole there identity.  The song On the Nature of Daylight is playing and it's the most intense part of the song playing when Jason Batemen hits the kid.  "How does life get to this point that you hit a kid" was all that was going through my mind.  It's just interesting to think about.  I don't know if he is justified in hitting a kid in middle school with a hockey stick but it's pretty close.  Most people in Jason Batemen's position would have for sure.  His son almost killed himself directly based on what this kid did to his son.  Of course if Jason Batemen had a better relationship with his son and talked to him about how you shouldn't send naked pictures of yourself to ANYONE because they can get out no matter what but nevertheless.

What stands out:
Jason Batemen's son attempted suicide scene and the three climaxes at the same time scene.

What I would change (if anything):
I can't give this any more than a 6.5.  Mostly because the statement this movie is trying to make is not great.  Disconnect from the internet wouldn't really solve these people's underlying problems.  "Guns don't kill people.  People kill people."  The internet didn't do these things.  People did these things.  If you want to stop all the bad in the world then fix people.  There's also the idea that disconnecting from communicating with people causes these type of problems but I think that's really only a relevant argument in the Jason Batemen story arc.
Secondly this movie just isn't super well acted and the plot lines are not great.  It's somewhat interesting but not to merit anything above a 6.5.
"Everything you do, someone out there can see."  That's really how I live my life.  If you don't want someone to know something about you then don't do it.  If you don't want your parents to know you drink then don't drink. It's a philosophical morality that I think works in 99% of life.  

Favorite Line(s):
Mike Dixon (father of the kid Jason Batemen hits with a hockey stick): "Everything you do, someone out there can see."

Similar Movies/Tv Shows: Inception because of story arcs lining up in the climax.  Valentines Day/New Years Eve because all the story arcs are loosely connected.  Love Actually or Crazy Stupid Love maybe.

Side note: On the Nature of Daylight is a fantastic song.

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