Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Gone Girl (2014)

MIMDB score: 7.7
Current IMDB score: 8.3
People you care about in the movie: Rosamund Pike, Baffleck, Neil Patrick Harris

Why I liked it:
Rosamund Pike all the way.  She did more than amazing.  I'm scared of her now as a real life person.  It's like how I'm scared of Claire Danes right now because of her eyes in Homeland.  She has crazy eyes now and forever on in my life because of how well she acted in this movie.  If you can write down on a post-it note whether you should kill yourself to get back at someone then I'm scared of you.  She is scary!  Looking back her voice in the movie the whole time seems so robotic and so not full of emotion.  The music is so eerie the whole time.  You don't really notice in the beginning and it just builds and builds till the most epic, punch you in the face, scene.  The blood scene.  I'm still haunted by that scene.  Just a another day for her afterwards which is what makes it so much more insane.  Her face is blank.  Most people would have had the face of "what did I just do" or "am I sure I should have done that?" It's like watching an actual psychopath do what she did.  She did so well in this movie because it was highly believable.

The movie does the "did he do it" well and it pushes you to believe he did it with also leaving doubt in your mind.  It's good if you like that type of mind play that movies do.  The movie has full control over what it shows you though.  Like any good movie they make it hard to figure out if he actually did it or not.  I really like the switch to her point of view in the middle though.  It's kind of fun to be both sides of the situation.

What stands out:
Rosamund Pike. She is fantastic in this movie.  BAffleck is BAffleck.  Hooray for him.

What I would change (if anything):
I don't get why he stays in the end.  I understand it makes the situation even more scary but any normal person would have left her no matter what.  I would have for sure.  I can't believe he stayed there the first night even.  He knows she is a stone cold killer with no real remorse.

I don't like how the guys have no reason to be assholes besides just being guys.  They are just assholes under STP (standard temperature and pressure).  Rosamund has to be treated poorly before snapping which seems reasonable.  For some reason to me it's more justifiable that Rosamund snaps than the guys just looking to get stick there dick in something.  Unfortunately from what I've seen that's not how most people are in the world.  I probably live a sheltered life though.  When people get cheated on after giving there all to a marriage things snap which makes sense.

I really wish the two "friends" at the hotel where Amy/Rosamund stayed weren't complete assholes. Amy says earlier in the film "Because you're you . . . .".  I think with her super cautious manner that was told to us she would have hid the money from others better than she did.  She shouldn't have made any friends when she was in the middle of framing her husband for murder.  Personally I would have only went out for food and been in a place with way less people.  Go Air b&b at some remote location.  Air b&b wouldn't have background checks at all and would not even ask for a license.  It's easy in hindsight and all that jazz of course.

Favorite Line(s):
Amy: "We're so cute.  I want to punch us in the face."

Similar Movies/Tv Shows: Return to Sender, Homeland (because of her eyes!), What Lies Beneath but Gone Girl is way batter.

Side note: This the first real movie I know of that has Dominion in it.  Not many Movies/Tv shows have good board games in them.  Minkus from Boy Meets World is in it!

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