Saturday, August 8, 2015

Never Let Me Go (2010)

MIMDB score: 7.8
Current IMDB score: 7.2
Director: Mark Romanek
Main Actors you care about: Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightly, Andrew Garfield

Why I liked it: The ending.  It's always nice to hear to live life to the fullest.  Yea it's been said to you a thousands of times and it gets boring to hear.  This movie does it in a way you wouldn't normally expect it.  I think it really shows you that you don't have much time on this earth and you need to freaking enjoy the crap out of the time you have.

What stands out: All three main characters do well.  This movie made me start to like Carey Mulligan a lot.  I think she stands out a bit in the movie.  Most people say her break-out role was An Education but for me it was this film. She was also in Pride & Prejudice but as kind of a minor role.

What I would change: I don't think they should tell you in the beginning what makes the characters "special".  I think they should have kept it a mystery in the beginning.  Kind of like in Seven Pounds when they show you that he's going to kill himself.  That should be a mystery I feel like.  Something to figure out.  Maybe they should make like a hard-mode version of movies on Blu-ray.  It would be much more interesting.

Not that I would change this but I hate people like Ruth in real life.  What a witch of a person.  I wish Tommy would have been stronger and seen Kathy H. was his actual love earlier in life.  Unfortunately so it goes sometimes in life.  At least they had time together.  Some people don't even get that in their short lives.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:
Kathy: "It had never occurred to me that our lives, which had been so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them and not let unseen tides pull us apart."
It's hard when you are in the moment of high school, college,  or any moment to believe there will come a day when the feeling of constant friendship will go away.  I guess I understand why people grow apart but I don't really like it.  People get bored and want to move on and want to do different things in life.  That leads to people not being as close in the long term.  Really though just because you talked to some one everyday it doesn't mean you aren't close with them.  It's kind of how I deal with loneliness.  I think of the people I've been close with or are close with and what they are doing when I'm feeling alone.  In that way I don't feel alone because I imagine them doing the things that make them who they are to me.  It can usually make me smile as I go along my day.

The ending scene is pretty fantastic.  It's where the revelation of the characters you have invested become just like the viewer.  During the movie you kind of feel bad for them and keep lightly thinking "at least I'm not them".  At the end you figure out just because they live shorter lives doesn't mean they don't have the same problems as people that live a "full" or "normal" life.  Use your time in life wisely.  The message has been said many times and many ways.  I believe the movie has a very thought provoking way of doing it.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: Remember Me.  I don't know if Remember Me is a similar movie but it makes me think of both these movies when I try and come up with the title to Never Let Me Go.  About Time is similar though.

"Side" note: I'm going to talk about why I like Carey Mulligan so much.  Apparently she read the novel  "Never Let Me Go" as a child and really wanted and hoped she would one day play Kathy H when a filmed was made (which she believed it would made into a film one day).  Also she used to be pen pals with the lead singer from Mumford and Sons when she was a child, Marcus Mumford.  They stopped writing each other and later when they worked on the same movie, Inside Llewyn Davis, they got together and then married.  Such a good story of how you met the love of your life.  I hope they last.

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