Thursday, June 25, 2015

About Time (2013)

MIMDB score: 8.4
Current IMDB score: 7.8
Director: Richard Curtis
Main Actors you care about:  Rachel McAdams, Domhnall Gleeson, Bill Nighy

Why I liked it:
Groundhog day meets romantic comedy++.  This movie makes me want to live.  I have always, always, always wanted to live in a Groundhog day because I want to slow down my life and figure everything out.  I've always wanted to try out a bunch of different ways of handling things each day.  I feel like everyone has wanted to make things perfect in a day like Tim (Domhnall Gleeson) is able to do.  What this movie concludes with in the ending scene is fantastic.

What stands out:
The greatest thing this movie will make you learn is that whatever you do or however you act you can't make people fall in love you.  I've got a glimpse of this in my life but it's never been put so clearly than in this movie.  This guy could have done anything and did try a bunch of different ways to get this girl but nothing worked.  That is because love is not something you can point to and say that's it.  You can't say it's stuff you have in common, you can't say it's because you made all the right moves, you can't say because you said the right things, you can't say timing either.  It's nothing from what I can tell we have control over.  It just happens.  This movie sort of points this out right in the beginning.  "All the time travel in the world can't make someone love you."

What I Would Change (if anything): I feel like he should have known about going back in time to help his playwright friend out that he would lose the first meeting of Rachel McAdams.  I was slapping my head immediately when he went to do it.  Granted I'm an observer and not living in the moment like he was.  To him though "it was always going to be about love."  He should have always had that in the forefront of his mind.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene: Any scene with Rachel McAdams.  She plays a really cute character in this movie.

"For me, it was always going to be about love."  Love is all that really matters in life to me as well.  At least it's the most important thing in life I have found.

The montage of them dating with this song playing.  They are just going through the same subway station at different times while the band plays this song.  It's a good scene.  I wish for that type of life.

Ending scene is beautiful. "And in the end I think I've learned the final lesson from my travels in time; and I've even gone one step further than my father did: The truth is I now don't travel back at all, not even for the day, I just try to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it, as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life."
This was mind blowing to me.  As I've said I've wanted to have a Groundhog day to really cherish that day and my life.  The movie with that line, shows how you don't need more time in life.  You just need to appreciate the time you have more.  When I say that straight out like that it makes it sound bland but the way the movie did it was so profound.  The movie title is "About Time" and this ending makes the title make sense.  The movie is a story about how to use your time.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: GroundHog Day, Edge of Tomorrow, Butterfly Effect, and Never Let Me Go.

"Side" note: Amelie poster! Watch for it!

It quotes the commencement speech "Everybody is Free to Wear Sunscreen." Although the movie sort of misquotes it as Baz Luhrmann. It is originally from an essay written by Mary Schmich.

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