Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Intern (2015)

(Not to be confused with The Internship)
MIMDB score: 7.4
Current IMDB score: 7.2
Director: Nancy Meyers
Main Actors you care about: Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway

Why I liked it: Charming.  This movie is charming.  Mostly because of Robert De Niro.  It made me feel good to think that De Niro's character exists and sometimes you need that in life.  There's a lot of neglect that people allow themselves to act a certain way because hey, if there is no immediate problems coming out of the way I'm acting then why would I change it?  Just a bad thought in general.  Always be on the look out to find people to look at for what to change. You should be a combination of all the good parts of people you've spent time with that you thought was worth understanding.

Thing(s) I would change: A little cheesy at the end.  It's a little cheesy throughout but only if you are susceptible to not liking cheesy moments will it matter.  I kind of doubt she would just be ok with him cheating on her.  I don't get it.  Some people are in these relationships that want monogamy but it's ok if you can't be because it's SOOO hard to be monogamous . . . It's not hard to be monogamous.  It's hard to put up with people that aren't monogamous.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene: For some reason I really like the scene were Anne Hathaway shows up at the coffee shop where she just moved De Niro off working for her and apologizes.  I like that feeling that exists there.  The we are no longer boss/employee.  We are friends.  I like when I feel that feeling in real life for anything.  We are no longer X but now we are good friends and I won't be taking offense to small things anymore because I believe you to mean well.

"You're never wrong to do the right thing." I really like it but also hate it.  Yes you are never wrong to do the right thing.  The problem with that statement is what is right is different for a lot of people.  Mass killers think they are doing the right thing with killing people that they think do understand the world.  Again I still like the statement even though the statement is flawed.

Similar Movies/TV Shows: In Good Company, The Devil Wears Prada even though I don't recommend it,

"Side" note: Nothing worth mentioning.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Beauty Inside (2015)

(It's an English subtitle movie, I apologize if you don't like those)

MIMDB score: 7.5
Current IMDB score: 7.2
Director: Does it matter?
Main Actors you care about: N/A

Why I liked it: Hmmmmm good.  It a soft movie with a beautiful message.  They mainly use classical music which is always good.  The music with lyrics is very soft and simple still.  Rom-com with some added thought.  The premise is the main (male) character's body changes every night, gender included.  It's sort of a play on Groundhog day or About Time which are always intriguing to me.

I love the idea of loving someone for what's inside and this movie kind of hits on that.  Granted they don't get too deep into why they really should love each other besides the love for antiques/furniture.  They still hit a home run for the idea of loving someone for more than there appearance.

It also brings up the idea of a person changing all the time and then finding the person they love and that helping them figure out who they want to be.  It like a puzzle they've been trying to solve and the person solves it for them and they don't change much anymore.  It's kind of awesome if that ever happens to you.  Kind of doubt that happens in real life and that be the "correct" way to living.  If someone changes for someone else it's hard to say that's good.  The "best" I would assume would be you are already some way and you find someone else that is a similar way.  But who knows if that is right.

What stands out:  The idea of the movie and the simplistic style.  ALL the actors that played the same character is very intriguing.  Interesting acting job.  There were 122 people in total that played the main actor.  Kind of crazy interesting.

Thing(s) I would change:  Not that I would change this necessarily but would have loved the movie to go in a different direction at the end.  I kind of wanted her to start changing everyday as well.  There could be a lot of endings and their ending is good enough and makes sense, moreso than most rom-coms.

Favorite Line(s)/Scene:  The scene where the friend asks to have sex with the main character.  Pretty funny.

The day where he's a little boy with her is pretty cute. :)

Friend when he meets her for the first time:  "Who the hell are you?  Everything she says you say it's fine too?"

I really like the the idea of making the wedding ring.  If I was to ever give a wedding ring I would defiantly look into this.  Tangent here, I've never understood the two rings for the woman and only one for the man.  Weddings (and love) are about equality (or it is in my best guess).  The symbol of love shouldn't be that women get twice what the man gets.  It should be equal.

The last scene with all the people that were him is a good touch.  I just like it.

Similar Movies/TV Shows:  About Time, Groundhog Day, Memento maybe? Being John Malkovich.

"Side" note: There's another version of this in English.  It's almost as good and is probably good enough to understand what's going on.  It's like a short web mini series that probably is thirty minutes total.  If you watch it and like it you could probably watch this Korean version which I think is a little bit better.